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Members and Ratings

Founder and President=Daniel Shank (1688) email

Brint Hill (1204) no email

Travis Watson (1373) email

Donnie Cox (1378) email

Stephan Rice (1696) email homepage

Sarah Rice (985) email homepage

Chuck Vaughn (1198) no email

Paul Hill () no email

Randy Grove (1467)

Austin Grove (1204)

Josh Vaughan (1464) email

Matt Keller (1582) no email

Henry John (1401) email

Curtis Jones (1552)

Billie Henstley

Eric Peckham (1369)

Jason Duncan (928)

Robert Long (1336) email homepage

Nick Pierce (1000)

Bob Long

David Clark (1270)email

Michael Doyle email

Lynn Middleton (1119)

Neil Middleton (851)

Nathan McKinney

Josh Green (1184) email

Emmett Powers (1170)p5 email

Bill Beck (1471)

Todd Crawford (1291) no email

Victor Martinez (1086)p4 email

Ben Moles (1300)p4 email

Andrew Cox (970)p2 no email

Gary Franzen(1335) no email

Megan Montgomery (1153)p2 email

Michael Neyers ()p0

Tim Allen (1323) no email

Tom Taylor (1318)p8 email

Jared Taylor (1314) email

Caleb Taylor (1016) email

Dan Willingham (1180)p6 email

Bryce Crabb(1251)uscf 4/01/09 email

More to come... with rating